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Author: wdluens

The laboratory from the inside

March 11, 2022 – The laboratory from the inside

first impressions

The progress since 23.02.2022 is remarkable: The ceiling has been poured and smoothed, the walls have been put up and are now being plastered.

Today we took the first pictures of the interior. Image 6 shows the laboratory rooms. On the right side will be our climatic test system, on the left our battery test systems. On Image 7 and 8 you can see the pits of our future vibration test systems. The rails for the vibration temperature test chamber are also already attached to the ceiling and walls.

We are impressed by the dimensions of the rooms and it is getting easier to get an idea of the laboratories of our future Battery Test Centre.

Storm front and flooding

February 22, 2022 – Storm front and flooding

Ylenia, Zeynep & Antonia

Our construction site before and after the storm: images 1 – 2 were taken on 10.02.2022, images 3 – 4 on 18.02.2022 and image 5 today. We are glad that we have largely managed the storm front last week without any great damage, which is not a matter of course.

Thanks to the employees of our construction site partners, everything was quickly put back in order and the construction work of our Battery Test Centre LABCO BTC could continue.

This is not a creek…

The time to built the roof is when the sun is shining

February 4, 2022 – ‘The time to repair built the roof is when the sun is shining.’

(John F. Kennedy)

The construction work on the roof scaffolding of our soon-to-be-standing building has begun.

In addition, the first structures of special building constructions for our future device park can already be seen, such as the pit for our electrodynamic shakers (picture 2 and 3).

Ground work

September 2021 – ground workS

It happened so quickly

At the beginning of last week, there was still green field and already on Friday, the company Erich Thiess & Sohn GmbH took the first visible steps towards the LABCO BTC building with excavation work for us.

We are looking forward to the next steps.

Drone flight over the area

September 6, 2021 – Drone flight over the area

A last look across the “old” LABCO ground:

Soon, the construction work of our sister company LABCO BTC will begin on our adjacent ground.

Get in touch with us!

Do you have any questions regarding our testing offer?
We would be happy to assist you and answer any questions you may have about which tests we can perform for your components.

Union Dental

Alfred-Nobel-Str. 15
27612 Loxstedt-Stotel

Tel.: +49 4744 913930